The ICCP Network is proudly co-hosted by
The Houston Galveston Institute is a recognized leader in the dynamic evolution of innovative, effective & accessible psychotherapy approaches. Its mission is to transform lives & communities with innovative & collaborative therapy, training & research. The Houston Galveston Institute (formerly the Galveston Family Institute) was founded in 1978 by Harlene Anderson, Ph.D., Paul Dell, Ph.D., Harold Goolishian, Ph.D. & George Pulliam, M.S.W. to meet the demands of mental health professionals seeking to increase their understanding of families & further develop their skills in systems-oriented therapy with individuals, couples, families & groups.
Meet the ICCP Network Council

Harlene Anderson, Ph.D., is founding member of the Houston Galveston Institute, the Taos Institute, and Access Success. She is recognized internationally as being at the leading edge of postmodern collaborative practices as a thinker, consultant, coach, and educator. Harlene has authored and co-authored numerous professional writings including her book Conversation, Language, and Possibilities -- A Postmodern Approach to Therapy. She is a member of the editorial review boards of several journals, has presented at numerous national and international conferences and has consulted with a variety of organizations.
Harlene Anderson, Ph.D.

Rocio Chaveste, Ph.D.
Dr. Chaveste Gutiérrez is co-founder, director, teacher and clinical supervisor of the Kanankil Institute and director of the International Certification in Open Dialogues and Collaborative-Dialogical Practices, in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico; She is also an Adjunct Professor of Family and Couples Therapy at the Houston Galveston Institute, in Houston, Texas. Rocio has a doctorate in Social Psychology, a bachelor's degree in Political Science and Public Administration, and three master's degrees: Organization Administration, Political Communication and Electoral Marketing, and Family and Couples Therapy. Her research focuses on collaborative and socio-constructionist practices, reflective processes and language, as well as issues of gender, sexuality and community development in different areas, ranging from psychotherapy to government and public policy.

Premysl is a licensed marriage and family therapist. In his practice, he gets inspired mostly by post modern therapeutic apporoaches, more specificaly by collaborative and dialogic practices and by narrative practices. He currently lives in the Czech Republic, where he practices in non-profit organizations combined with a small private practice. Since 2016, he has been a member of the 'Narative Gorup' and within this organization he dedicates his time to educational activities: he facilitates the ICCP programs in Czechia and in Slovakia.
Přemysl Ulman, MS, LMFT