Harlene Anderson Presentation
The Congress is the biennial event of International Certificate Collaborative-Dialogic Practices (ICCP)--an interdisciplinary program that provides intensive, in-depth study of postmodern-social construction-relational theory and the possibilities for personal, organizational, and social transformation that flow from this orientation. The ICCP includes 16 programs around the world, with focus on the theoretical and philosophical assumptions of collaborative-dialogic practices as transformational and the application within and across disciplines, contexts, and cultures. Practice examples include working with personal and social issues, in educational contexts, organizations, research, community work, healthcare, and more.
The Congress is hosted by the local ICCP program-Narativ and the Masaryk University, Faculty of Education. And co-sponsored by the Houston Galveston Institute and the Taos Institute. It will take place at Masaryk University, Faculty of Education--the second largest university in The Czech Republic--founded in 1919 after the fall of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Masaryk University will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2019 and we look forward to being there in this celebratory time.