"Possibilities of dialogue – basics" comes out of social constructionist and dialogic ideas and primarily is offered for people in helping professions who want to discover new possibilities of nourishing dialogue in individual consultations, as well as in the work with bigger groups, especially in psychotherapy, counselling, social work, teaching, orgnisation development, mediation and research. The programme consists of 6 team meetings, 2 workshops and supervisions with most experienced collaborative and dialogical practitioners, 1 symposium and of working on specific collaborative projects. The program lasts for one year – starting at September and ending by June – and mostly takes place in Brno, Czech Republic. The official language is Czech.
Pavel Nepustil, Jakub Černý, Jitka Balášová
777 916 280 (Pavel Nepustil)
602 710 072 (Jakub Černý)
I realized how different way of working this approach offers in comparison with the treatment that I went through myself. Learning to really listen to each other and sense the feelings and opinions of the other without evaluating them is very positive and needed. I said to myself – my way out of depression would be so easier if I would be in these kind of relationships!
Majka, graduated in 2016